Fabergé Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation (Jul-Ott 2018)
Press Office, Consulting in international Communication
Public Relation activities for Foreign Media; Editing and Translation; Photo Editing for Advertisement; General support to the Office
[Certificate soon available]
The State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation (Oct-Dec 2017)
Volunteer Service in collaboration with several departments, Internship, full time
Events and conferences helping the Communication and Press Office; Hospitality for important guests of the International Department; Translations about events for the web; Cultural presentations to students and activities with the School Center of the museum, Photographer and Photo Editor; Organization of volunteers who have worked at the Staraya Derevnya Restoration and Storage Centre
[Certificate is available]
Giulio Einaudi Editore S.p.A., Turin, Italy (Sep 2015-Jun 2017)
Editor, Contract for the “Essai sur les mœurs et l’esprit des nations” by Voltaire (2000 pages): Voltaire, Saggio sui costumi e lo spirito delle nazioni, 2 voll., i Millenni, Torino, Einaudi, 2017, chapters 32-93
Translated from French to Italian and Edited. I worked with a team of scholars of the University of Bologna.
[Recommendation letter is available]
[LINKS: www.einaudi.it – Montesquieu.it]
[REVIEWS: www.ilsole24ore.com – www.lastampa.it ]
Vatican Museums, Vatican City State (Jul-Dec 2015)
Press Office, Internship, full time
Public and Media Relations; Organized events and conferences; Planned interviews and media reports; Wrote Press Releases; Created Press Kits; Prepared daily Press Reviews for the Director and managed his relationships with the media; Photo Editing
[Certificate and Recommendation Letter of the Director are available]
Adecco Italia S.p.A, Bologna, Italy (Mar-Jun 2013)
Tourism & Fashion branch, Internship, full time
Front desk; Researched, interviewed, selected and hired candidates (Store managers, Hostesses, Receptionists, Waiters, Cooks …)